DG Takano

Melior Water Faucet

Whipsaw partnered with DG TAKANO to bring their revolutionary Bubble90 technology to life through a bold, innovative faucet design. The Bubble90 nozzle, which reduces water usage by 80% while enhancing cleaning power, is a breakthrough in water conservation. Our task was to create a faucet that not only embraced this cutting-edge technology but also redefined the form and function of a modern kitchen fixture. The result is the Melior Faucet, which integrates DG TAKANO’s patented technology with Whipsaw’s expertise in industrial design to deliver a product that is both sustainable and highly functional.

The Melior Faucet stands out with its stripped-back design, floating cord, and visible mechanics, giving it a sleek, sculptural appearance reminiscent of commercial kitchen fixtures. At its core is an innovative magnetic ball joint that allows the faucet head to be aimed in any direction, providing unmatched flexibility and maneuverability. Designed for both residential and professional kitchens, the faucet reduces materials for a more sustainable product while maintaining durability for years of use. By paring the design down to its essentials, we created a faucet that not only saves water but reimagines the everyday user experience, making it an ideal solution for kitchens around the world.

Water-Saving Technology

The Melior Faucet incorporates DG TAKANO’s Bubble90 nozzle, reducing water usage by 80% without sacrificing cleaning power. This breakthrough technology makes the faucet a leader in water conservation, significantly lowering water bills for users.

A Magnetic Ball Joint for Maximum Flexibility

The faucet features a magnetic ball joint that allows the faucet head to move freely in any direction. This flexibility offers users greater control, making it easier to clean large items or hard-to-reach areas in both residential and professional kitchens.

Stripped-Down, Sculptural Design

The design reduces the faucet to its essential components, creating a sleek and minimal aesthetic. The visible mechanics and floating cord give it a unique, eye-catching appearance while maintaining functionality and ease of use.


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